The Charlatan - Mar 10, 2005 Varsity athletes make the grade All-star basketball players say study hall is ‘motivating’ by Matt Graveline Eligibility for varsity teams means staying in school and different varsity teams take different approaches to making sure that their players stay smart so they can stay on the team, says Erin Currie, varsity administrator. The Carleton women’s swim team uses academic advisors to make sure that its swimmers stay on track. Swimmer Amy Pouliot says she used the service two different times. "They helped me map out what courses I should take," says Pouliot. Academic advisors are supposed to be mandatory for first-year athletes to make sure they stay eligible and to allow them "to do what they came here to do," says Currie. The defending national champion men’s basketball team takes a different approach to making sure their athletes stay smart and able to play. Head coach Dave Smart has all his first-year players attend mandatory study hall in Renfrew House, considered the varsity study hall. Osvaldo Jeanty, a star guard for the team, remembers his first year. "My experience was good, it’s a nice quiet place where you get to study." Jeanty still uses the hall to study to keep up his grades. "It’s motivating in a way that you have to be there," says Jeanty. As Jeanty confesses, "study hall is the reason a lot of us are still playing." Yet Currie says this year has been harder to track first-year students’ use of the services. The normal academic advisor went on maternity leave halfway through the year and didn’t submit a final list. Kristin Smith of the swim team is one of the first-year athletes that slipped through the cracks. "I didn’t end up going, I didn’t end up finding the time," says Smith. Although she was unable to make her appointment, she says the year was not too bad so far. Despite the setback, Currie will be doing the audit of all varsity players in May, having previously done one in January. To help those students in trouble she will set them up with tutors so they will be be able to stay on the team.