Swim squad qualifies two for OUAs Written by Samatha Whittle Wednesday, 01 November 2006 Despite illness and demanding academic schedules, the Carleton University Ravens swim team showed great improvements and qualified two swimmers for the upcoming provincial championships, said head coach Lynn Marshall. Ravens Erika Friesen and Emma Gould qualified for the championships based on their strong performances this weekend. The Ravens participated in a dual meet against the University of Waterloo Warriors and the Queen's University Golden Gaels in Kingston, Ont. The women's team finished ahead of the Warriors while the men's team trumped Queen's 120-108. But the Ravens finished third overall. The University of Ottawa hosted a meet Oct. 29, in which Carleton competed against the Gee Gees and the Warriors. The Ravens finished second overall. "Just about everybody improved in some of their events," said Marshall. "Generally things are looking good for this season." She said the team faced some extra challenges this week because many swimmers had to deal with the stress of schoolwork as well as training for the meet. Marshall said one of her swimmers competed on Friday, studied all night for his Saturday morning mid-term and competed again on Saturday afternoon. "He didn't sleep between meets," she said. Marshall said some swimmers also had to swim two events almost back-to-back after meet organizers canceled the scheduled break. Standout swimmers of the weekend included Heather Macdonald, who won nine events, and Greg McKay, who won six events, said Marshall. She said Luz Osorio's performance was a pleasant surprise. She won the women's 50 metre butterfly event Oct. 29. Karli McKinnon was another surprise, said Marshall. She won the women's 50 metre freestyle event at the U of O meet. "It was stiff competition," said Marshall of Sunday's meet. "Ottawa's team was very strong." The women's team captain, Amy Pouliot, said she thought the team swam well during the stressful weekend. She also noted that a few of the Carleton swimmers were out with sickness, which put an even bigger strain on the team this weekend. "The event went well considering its kind of a rough time for people right now," said Pouliot.