Ravens set to fly south Written by Simon Martin Thursday, 07 December 2006 Ottawa's harsh winters can do strange things to you. Blistering, cold winds often send students into the tunnels to get to class. By March cabin fever sets in and residence students are prone to going partially mad. There are, however, some solutions; just ask the Carleton University Ravens swim team. The swimmers head off to Florida every year on Boxing Day to shake off the winter blues. "I don't even know how long we have been doing this," said Raven head coach Lynn Marshall. She said the tradition was already entrenched when she began coaching six years ago. "It's a great opportunity for the team to bond and get to know each other better," said Marshall. The trip to Florida, however, is not exactly a holiday. The swimmers train four hours a day before they are set free and allowed to enjoy the warm weather. "The days are hard. It's a lot of work," said Raven assistant captain Kristin Smith. She went with the team to Florida two years ago and said it was a great experience. "You create special bonds and memories on a trip like this," said Smith. Her greatest memory happened, when the team, including the men's side, practiced yoga on the beach. "We also played football, so the guys weren't too upset," she added. Free time does exist for the swimmers though. The team's hotel is a block from the beach and in the direct vicinity of the world's largest outlet mall. Tanning is the preferred downtime activity, although good weather is not always guaranteed. "I remember when two of our swimmers were determined to get a tan even though it was three degrees [outside]. Everybody was going out to buy coats and we had people still determined to get a tan," said Marshall with a laugh. Teamwork is the obvious benefit of the trip, according to Marshall. She said supporting the team is of the utmost importance in swimming. "To have a close, tight knit group is key," said Marshall. If the winter blasé is getting to you at Christmas time, try closing your eyes and think of doing yoga on a sunny Florida beach. It will be sure to cheer you up, at least momentarily.