2003-2004 Newspaper Articles:
(last updated April 8th, 2004)
October 9th Charlatan (Nathan on the front page!)
October 9th Charlatan (Nathan on the back page!)
October 30th Charlatan
November 13th Charlatan
November 24th Ottawa Citizen
November 27th Charlatan
January 22nd Charlatan
February 5th Charlatan (Bob doing backstroke!)
February 12th Charlatan (that photogenic Nathan again!) and
correction from Voice Box March 4th Charlatan
February 16th Citizen (part 1)
February 16th Citizen (part 2)
February 26th Charlatan (Nathan doing breaststroke this time!)
February 28th Citizen Article on Krista
March 11th Charlatan
U of T Alumni Profile on Coach John
April 1st Charlatan: Nathan on the cover, again!!
April 1st Charlatan: Chia's poem
April 1st Charlatan: Underwater Hockey Article (Will Litchfield and Ben Lee)
April 1st Charlatan: Sports Grades